Poetry: Monster Soup and Other Spooky Poems
Monster Soup and Other Spooky Poems is a children's poetry book compiled of poems from different authors. What they all have in common is they are all "spooky" poems, most being about monsters and dinosaurs.
All the poems in the book use various poetic techniques such as alliteration and rhyme which makes them appealing to young readers, as well as the illustrations throughout the book. The author: Jacqueline Rogers makes each illustration relevant to each poem with her use of watercolors.
Motivational Activities:
- Have students pair up into partners and have them identify 3 different Poetic techniques in 2 different poems.
- Have students write their own "spooky poem" using at least 3 different poetic techniques, and draw an illustration relating to their poem.
Reader Response Questions:
- What does the boy in the poem The Toaster like to do with his fire breathing dragon friend?
- What do the pumpkins do in the poem Halloween?
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