Biography: Barack Obama: Out of Many, One

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Barack Obama: Out of Many, One tells the story of our 44th president Barack Obama. The book talks about how Obama was born in Hawaii and how he grew up without a father in his life. The book also talks about how after college in Hawaii he moved to Chicago to try to make a change, he helped people register to vote, and helped start after school programs. He went to law school and met Michelle who he later married and had two daughters with. In 2004 he ran for U.S. Senate and won, then in 2007 announced he was running for president. On January 20th 2009 he made history and  became the first African American president, then on November 6th 2012 he was re- elected for a second term.

The book provides simple but accurate facts on the life of Barack Obama. The author gives a good balance between facts and keeping the reading level for younger students. The author does a good job with correlating the illustrations to the story and the facts that go along with it. The illustrations are detailed and realistic.

Motivational Activities:

1)  Have students make a timeline of events that happened in the book 
2) Have students write their own biography about themselves starting from the time they were born until now. 

Readers response questions:

1)  Where was Barack Obama born?

2)  Where did Barack Obama attend college?

3)  What inspired Barack Obama to run for office?

Corey, S., & Bernardin, J. (2014). Barack Obama: out of many, one. New York: Random House.


  1. Another activity can be down in the classroom have a printable out of a person and allow the students work together to come up with a class biography on the person. This will engage students in team building. This will also teach students cooperation to coordinate with each others thoughts and ideas.


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