Historical Fiction: Henry's Freedom Box

Image result for henry's freedom box
Henry's Freedom Box tells the story of a young boy who was born into slavery. He was split from his mother at a young age because he was a hard worker. He grew up in slavery and eventually met a women whom he eventually married and had two children with. His master eventually sold his kids and his wife into the slave market and Henry was left alone. He was tired of this life so with the help of an abolitionist white doctor he ships himself to freedom. He is sent in a wooden crate on a long journey to Philadelphia where he is free for the first time.

The author does a very good job at letting us see things from Henry's perspective. The illustrations throughout the book emphasize the whole story. They take up the majority of the pages and are realistic as well as use neutral colors that display sadness.

The story provides a special view into this way of life because slavery is all Henry knows, he has never been free and the author emphasizes the fact that he doesn't even know his birthday.

Motivational Activities:

1) Have students write a letter to Henry asking him how he's been transitioning to his new life in Philadelphia.  
2) Have students get into groups and identify the literary elements of the story such as the characters, plot, and setting. 

Reader Response Questions:

1) Why did Henry not know when his birthday was?
2) What led Henry to want to go to Philadelphia?

Levine, E. (2007). Henry's Freedom Box: A True Story from the Underground Railroad. Scholastic Press.


  1. You blog looks amazing, now I have to go fix some stuff on mine, Great Job! I love your ideas for activities. Some other activities could include, since the title is talks about a box, you could have the students put their ideas into a box of what is in Hnery's freedom box. This would be a before and after assignment to see the differences in their opinions before and after the story. Another idea was to use your respose questions as a essay prompt...why did he not know his birthday?


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