Non-Fiction: Pop! The Invention of Bubble Gum

Pop! The Invention of Bubble Gum is a nonfiction book that outlines Walter Diemer's invention of bubble gum that pops. The book gives some background on bubble gum from the Egyptian's time to early American settlers. Walter wanted to create a new type of gum, one that popped. After many trial and errors Walter finally made just what he wanted, he created Dubble Bubble in the year 1928. It was such a success that the Fleer Corporation had it shipped to countless stores. Walter who started off as an accountant became the vice president of the Fleer Corporation. He later retired and enjoyed the rest of his life in a relaxed manner.  
Pop!: The Invention of Bubble Gum

The book is appealing to young readers because it reads like a fictional book. It provides facts on bubble gum and accurate information about the inventor. The illustrations are appealing to young readers and go along well with the story. At the end of the book the author provides two pages on facts about Walter Diemer and many facts about bubble gum.  I think this is a great book for young students to read, it is non-fiction but still has literary elements that catch reader's attention such as humor and the illustrations being very appealing. 

Motivational Activities:

1) Have students make a timeline of Walters journey of his creation of Dubble Bubble
2) Have students identify 5 facts throughout the story.

Readers Response Questions:

1) Why did Walter Diemer want to create a new type of gum
2) What was Walter's job before he became vice president of the Fleer corporation? 
3) What year did Walter create Dubble Bubble?

McCarthy, M. (2010). Pop!: The Invention of Bubble Gum. New York: Simon & Schuster Childrens Pub. Division.


  1. Another activity that can be done with this story is have the students try and see if they can create a recipe for a bubble gum, then allow the students to create their recipe.


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