Realistic Fiction: The Relatives Came

Image result for the relatives came
The Relatives Came is a story about a large family that live in two different states that visit each other each summer. The relatives came from Virginia packing up all their things and piling up into a car. Once they arrived at their family's house they were welcomed with many hugs. They are a big family but all stay in one house for weeks. Some sleep tight in beds together and others on the floor. They all enhance each other's lives by helping one another when something breaks and keeping each other company. After a few weeks the relatives say goodbye and pack up just as they did in Virginia and go back home. 

The author does a good job at explaining the delight all the family members bring to one another. They are all upbeat even though the house is crowded and chaotic and I believe that was what the author was trying to portray from the book. The illustrations throughout this book are done with water colors but the illustrator does not make it clear who is the family that lives in the house and who are the relatives. 

Motivational Activities:

1) Have students write their own realistic fiction short story using The Relatives Came as a guideline.
2) Have students identify 3 different elements the illustrator used throughout the book.

Reader Response Questions:

1) Where were the relatives from?
2) What did the relatives leave behind at home?
3) What time did the relatives leave back home?

Rylant, C., & Gammell, S. (1993). The Relatives Came. Atheneum Books for Young Readers 
