Science Fiction: Star Wars the Clone Wars Boba Fett: Jedi Hunter

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Boba Fett: Jedi Hunter tells the story of a young bounty hunter named Boba Fett and his journey to track down Mace Windu because he struck down his father. He faces many challenges along the way and even get taken as hostages along the way. They escape and finally track down Mace Windu, but they walk right into his trap. In the end Boba is left being Mace Windu's prisoner.

The author does a good job at clarifying everything that is going on throughout the story as there are many parts that may seem confusing such as all of the different type of characters in the story because it does take place on a different planet. She represents sci- fi well as she explains the story's aspects such as that a clone planet is "a special base on the planet of Kamino where clones are trained"

The illustrations throughout the book help clarify parts of the story. They are detailed and very realistic.

Motivational Activities:

1. Have students write a continuation of the story in a book form.
2. Have students choose a type of character from the story they'd like to be, such as a cadet, clone commander, bounty hunter etc. and explain why. 

Reader Response Questions:

1. What is the reason why Boba Fett is hunting down Mace Windu?
2. Who helped Boba Fett on his mission to track down Mace?

Hibbert, C. (2011). Star wars, the clone wars: Boba Fett: Jedi hunter. London: DK.
